<title>Platformer Game</title> <meta name="description" content="Platformer video game where you defeat enemies by jumping on their head."> <meta name="keywords" content="platformer game, video game, enemies, jumping, defeat">
<!-- Built-In Functions for Apps --> <script type="text/javascript"> var localStoragePrefix = "ct-168925830984823"; var lastSave = 0; // save to localstorage function saveLocal(data) { if (Date.now() - lastSave < 1000) { return; } // save to cookie let cookie = localStoragePrefix + "=" + JSON.stringify(data) + "; path=" + window.location.pathname + "'; SameSite=Strict"; cookie += "; expires=" + new Date(Date.now() + 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 365 * 1000).toUTCString(); document.cookie = cookie; lastSave = Date.now(); }
// load from localstorage function loadLocal() { var cookiePrefix = localStoragePrefix + "="; var cookieStart = document.cookie.indexOf(cookiePrefix); if (cookieStart > -1) { let cookieEnd = document.cookie.indexOf(";", cookieStart); if (cookieEnd == -1) { cookieEnd = document.cookie.length; } var cookieData = document.cookie.substring(cookieStart + cookiePrefix.length, cookieEnd); return JSON.parse(cookieData); } } </script>
<script type="text/javascript"> // Game Logic var player; var enemies; var gameStarted = false; var gameOver = false; var win = false;
$(document).ready(function() { player = $("#player"); enemies = $(".enemy");
// Start the game on space key press $(document).keydown(function(event) { if (event.which == 32 && !gameStarted) { startGame(); } });
// Move the player on arrow key press $(document).keydown(function(event) { if (gameStarted && !gameOver && !win) { if (event.which == 37) { movePlayer("left"); } else if (event.which == 39) { movePlayer("right"); } } });
// Reset the game on 'R' key press $(document).keydown(function(event) { if (event.which == 82) { resetGame(); } }); });
// Start the game function startGame() { gameStarted = true; player.css({ bottom: "0" }); animateEnemies(); }
// Move the player left or right function movePlayer(direction) { var currentPosition = parseInt(player.css("left")); var newPosition; if (direction == "left") { newPosition = currentPosition - 50; } else { newPosition = currentPosition + 50; } player.css({ left: newPosition + "px" }); checkCollision(); checkWin(); }
// Animate the enemies function animateEnemies() { enemies.each(function() { var enemy = $(this); setInterval(function() { var currentPosition = parseInt(enemy.css("left")); var newPosition = currentPosition - 10; enemy.css({ left: newPosition + "px" }); checkCollision(); }, 50); }); }
// Check collision between player and enemies function checkCollision() { enemies.each(function() { var enemy = $(this); var enemyPosition = enemy.position(); var playerPosition = player.position();
if (playerPosition.top >= enemyPosition.top - player.height() && playerPosition.top <= enemyPosition.top + enemy.height() && playerPosition.left >= enemyPosition.left - player.width() && playerPosition.left <= enemyPosition.left + enemy.width()) { if (playerPosition.top + player.height() / 2 <= enemyPosition.top) { // Player jumped on enemy's head enemy.hide(); } else { // Player touched enemy on the side gameOver = true; player.css({ background: "red" }); } } }); }
// Check if player has reached the end function checkWin() { var playerPosition = player.position(); var containerWidth = $("#main-container").width(); if (playerPosition.left + player.width() >= containerWidth) { win = true; gameOver = true; player.css({ background: "green" }); } }
// Reset the game function resetGame() { player.css({ background: "blue" }); player.css({ left: "0" }); enemies.show(); gameStarted = false; gameOver = false; win = false; } </script> <style> body { background: #f0f0f0; padding-top: 50px; font-family: 'Roboto', sans-serif; }
Calculator Tools allows you to instantly create and generate any simple one page web app for
free and immediately have it online to use and share. This means anything! Mini apps,
calculators, trackers, tools, games, puzzles, screensavers... anything you can think of that the
AI can handle.
The AI uses Javacript, HTML, and CSS programming to code your app up in moments. This currently
uses GPT-4 the latest and most powerful version of the OpenAI GPT language model.
What Do You Mean Make An App?
Have you ever just wanted a simple app but didn't want to learn programming or pay someone to
make it for you? Calculator Tools is the solution! Just type in your prompt and the AI will
generate a simple app for you in seconds. You can then customize it to your liking and share it
with your friends.
AI has become so powerful it is that simple these days.
Does This Use ChatGPT?
It uses GPT-4 which is the most powerful model for ChatGPT.
Calculator Tools does not remember things from prompt to prompt, each image is a unique image
that does not reference any of the images or prompts previously supplied.