Peppa Pig Characters
Peppa Pig Characters
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Peppa Pig Characters
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<script type="text/javascript">
// Character Data
var characters = [
name: "Peppa",
actor: "Harley Bird",
quote: "I'm Peppa Pig!",
episode: "Muddy Puddles",
biography: "Peppa is a loveable, cheeky little piggy who lives with her little brother George, Mummy Pig and Daddy Pig. Peppa's favorite things include playing games, dressing up, days out and jumping in muddy puddles. Her adventures always end happily with loud snorts of laughter.",
name: "George",
actor: "Oliver May & Alice May",
quote: "Dinosaur!",
episode: "The New Car",
biography: "George is Peppa's little brother. He loves playing with his big sister, Peppa, even though sometimes she can be a bit bossy. George's favorite thing is his toy dinosaur. He carries it everywhere with him and it goes on all of his adventures with Peppa.",
name: "Daddy Pig",
actor: "Richard Ridings",
quote: "I'm an expert at everything!",
episode: "Daddy Pig's Birthday",
biography: "Daddy Pig is Peppa and George's daddy. He is very jolly and laughs all the time, especially when he plays with Peppa and George. Daddy Pig reads the paper and gets excited about trips in the car. He loves cookies and pumpkin pie. Daddy Pig is a bit clumsy, but he always tries his best.",
name: "Mummy Pig",
actor: "Morwenna Banks",
quote: "I'm Mummy Pig!",
episode: "Mummy Pig at Work",
biography: "Mummy Pig is Peppa and George's mummy. She is very wise and takes good care of Peppa and George. Mummy Pig loves jumping in muddy puddles, just like Peppa. She also enjoys gardening and making pancakes. Mummy Pig is kind and caring, and she always knows how to make everyone feel better.",
// Add more characters here...
// Generate Character Cards
$(document).ready(function() {
var characterList = $("#character-list");
characters.forEach(function(character) {
var card = $("<div>").addClass("card");
var cardHeader = $("<div>").addClass("card-header").text(;
var cardBody = $("<div>").addClass("card-body");
var cardTitle = $("<h5>").addClass("card-title").text(;
var cardText = $("<p>").addClass("card-text").text(character.biography);
var quoteButton = $("<button>").addClass("btn").text("Make Quote and Episode Name and Biography about the character");
cardBody.append(cardTitle, cardText, quoteButton);
// Generate Character Quote, Episode Name, and Biography
$(".btn").click(function() {
var characterName = $(this).siblings(".card-title").text();
var character = characters.find(function(character) {
return === characterName;
var quote = character.quote;
var episode = character.episode;
var biography = character.biography;
alert("Quote: " + quote + "\nEpisode: " + episode + "\nBiography: " + biography);
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