Peppa Pig Characters

Peppa Pig Characters


Created On: July 29, 2023
Created By: @CalculatorTools


Model: gpt-3.5-turbo-16k-0613
Time: 39 seconds
Prompt Tokens: 1265
Completion Tokens: 2757
Total Token Cost: 4022

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// Function to generate random character quote and episode name
function generateQuote() {
var characters = [
{ name: "Peppa Pig", quotes: ["I'm Peppa Pig!", "Snort!"], episodes: ["Muddy Puddles", "Bubbles", "Daddy Pig's Office"] },
{ name: "George", quotes: ["Dinosaur!", "Grrr!"], episodes: ["The Toy Cupboard", "George's New Dinosaur", "George's Birthday"] },
{ name: "Daddy Pig", quotes: ["I'm an expert at everything!", "I love watching television."], episodes: ["Daddy Pig's Birthday", "Daddy Gets Fit", "Daddy Pig's Book"] },
{ name: "Mummy Pig", quotes: ["I'm very wise.", "I love jumping in muddy puddles."], episodes: ["Mummy Pig at Work", "Mummy Pig's Book", "Mummy Pig's Birthday"] },
{ name: "Grandpa Pig", quotes: ["I used to be very fit.", "I love telling stories."], episodes: ["Grandpa Pig's Train to the Rescue", "Grandpa Pig's Metal Detector", "Grandpa Pig's Pond"] },
{ name: "Granny Pig", quotes: ["I love knitting.", "I'm very good at gardening."], episodes: ["Granny Pig's Chickens", "Granny Pig's Pond", "Granny Pig's Boatyard"] },
{ name: "Miss Rabbit", quotes: ["I can do anything.", "I'm always busy."], episodes: ["Miss Rabbit's Day Off", "Miss Rabbit's Taxi", "Miss Rabbit's Helicopter"] },
{ name: "Suzy Sheep", quotes: ["I'm Peppa's best friend.", "I love playing dress up."], episodes: ["The Playgroup", "The Sleepover", "The Secret Club"] },
{ name: "Danny Dog", quotes: ["I love playing football.", "I can bark very loud."], episodes: ["Danny's Pirate Party", "Danny's Dinosaur", "Danny's Birthday"] },
{ name: "Pedro Pony", quotes: ["I'm Peppa's classmate.", "I love playing the guitar."], episodes: ["Pedro's Cough", "Pedro is Late", "Pedro's Carnival"] }

var randomCharacter = characters[Math.floor(Math.random() * characters.length)];
var randomQuote = randomCharacter.quotes[Math.floor(Math.random() * randomCharacter.quotes.length)];
var randomEpisode = randomCharacter.episodes[Math.floor(Math.random() * randomCharacter.episodes.length)];

var quoteText = '"' + randomQuote + '"';
var episodeText = "Episode: " + randomEpisode;

return { quote: quoteText, episode: episodeText };

// Function to generate character biography
function generateBiography(characterName) {
var biographies = {
"Peppa Pig": "Peppa Pig is the main character of the show. She is a cheeky little piggy who loves jumping in muddy puddles and having adventures with her family and friends.",
"George": "George is Peppa Pig's little brother. He loves his toy dinosaur and playing with Peppa and their friends. He is often seen saying 'Dinosaur!' and making dinosaur noises.",
"Daddy Pig": "Daddy Pig is Peppa and George's father. He is a bit clumsy but always tries his best. He loves watching television and eating.",
"Mummy Pig": "Mummy Pig is Peppa and George's mother. She is very wise and loves jumping in muddy puddles with Peppa and George. She also enjoys reading and gardening.",
"Grandpa Pig": "Grandpa Pig is Peppa and George's grandfather. He loves telling stories and taking them on adventures. He used to be very fit and still enjoys jumping in muddy puddles.",
"Granny Pig": "Granny Pig is Peppa and George's grandmother. She loves knitting and gardening. She is always there to help Peppa and George with their problems.",
"Miss Rabbit": "Miss Rabbit is a very busy character in the show. She has many jobs and can do anything. She is often seen driving various vehicles and helping out wherever she is needed.",
"Suzy Sheep": "Suzy Sheep is Peppa's best friend. They love playing together and dressing up. Suzy is very kind and always there for Peppa when she needs her.",
"Danny Dog": "Danny Dog is one of Peppa's classmates. He loves playing football and can bark very loud. He is always up for an adventure with Peppa and their friends.",
"Pedro Pony": "Pedro Pony is another classmate of Peppa's. He loves playing the guitar and is very talented. He is always ready to join in the fun and play with Peppa and their friends."

return biographies[characterName];

// Function to generate character trivia
function generateTrivia(characterName) {
var trivia = {
"Peppa Pig": "Peppa Pig's favorite food is chocolate cake.",
"George": "George's favorite toy is a dinosaur named Mr. Dinosaur.",
"Daddy Pig": "Daddy Pig's favorite hobby is reading the newspaper.",
"Mummy Pig": "Mummy Pig's favorite flower is the daisy.",
"Grandpa Pig": "Grandpa Pig's favorite pastime is fishing.",
"Granny Pig": "Granny Pig's favorite animal is the rabbit.",
"Miss Rabbit": "Miss Rabbit has a twin sister named Mummy Rabbit.",
"Suzy Sheep": "Suzy Sheep's favorite color is pink.",
"Danny Dog": "Danny Dog's favorite game is hide and seek.",
"Pedro Pony": "Pedro Pony's favorite song is 'Twinkle Twinkle Little Star'."

return trivia[characterName];

// Function to generate character goofs/errors
function generateGoofs(characterName) {
var goofs = {
"Peppa Pig": "In some episodes, Peppa's dress changes color.",
"George": "In one episode, George's dinosaur toy disappears and then reappears in different scenes.",
"Daddy Pig": "Daddy Pig's glasses sometimes disappear and then reappear.",
"Mummy Pig": "Mummy Pig's voice changes slightly in some episodes.",
"Grandpa Pig": "In a few episodes, Grandpa Pig's beard is missing.",
"Granny Pig": "Granny Pig's glasses sometimes disappear and then reappear.",
"Miss Rabbit": "Miss Rabbit is shown doing multiple jobs at the same time in some episodes.",
"Suzy Sheep": "In one episode, Suzy's dress changes color.",
"Danny Dog": "Danny Dog's spots sometimes change in number and position.",
"Pedro Pony": "Pedro Pony's guitar changes color in some episodes."

return goofs[characterName];

// Function to handle button click event
function handleButtonClick() {
var characterName = $(this).data("character");
var quoteData = generateQuote();
var quote = quoteData.quote;
var episode = quoteData.episode;
var biography = generateBiography(characterName);
var trivia = generateTrivia(characterName);
var goofs = generateGoofs(characterName);

var content = "<h3>" + quote + "</h3>";
content += "<p>" + episode + "</p>";
content += "<h4>Biography:</h4>";
content += "<p>" + biography + "</p>";
content += "<h4>Trivia:</h4>";
content += "<p>" + trivia + "</p>";
content += "<h4>Goofs/Errors:</h4>";
content += "<p>" + goofs + "</p>";


// Event listener for button click
$(document).on("click", ".character-button", handleButtonClick);

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<h1>Peppa Pig Characters</h1>

<button class="character-button" data-character="Peppa Pig">Get Quote and Biography for Peppa Pig</button>
<button class="character-button" data-character="George">Get Quote and Biography for George</button>
<button class="character-button" data-character="Daddy Pig">Get Quote and Biography for Daddy Pig</button>
<button class="character-button" data-character="Mummy Pig">Get Quote and Biography for Mummy Pig</button>
<button class="character-button" data-character="Grandpa Pig">Get Quote and Biography for Grandpa Pig</button>
<button class="character-button" data-character="Granny Pig">Get Quote and Biography for Granny Pig</button>
<button class="character-button" data-character="Miss Rabbit">Get Quote and Biography for Miss Rabbit</button>
<button class="character-button" data-character="Suzy Sheep">Get Quote and Biography for Suzy Sheep</button>
<button class="character-button" data-character="Danny Dog">Get Quote and Biography for Danny Dog</button>
<button class="character-button" data-character="Pedro Pony">Get Quote and Biography for Pedro Pony</button>

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Does This Use ChatGPT?

It uses GPT-4 which is the most powerful model for ChatGPT.

Calculator Tools does not remember things from prompt to prompt, each image is a unique image that does not reference any of the images or prompts previously supplied.