Peppa Pig Characters
Peppa Pig Characters
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Peppa Pig Characters
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<div class="character-card">
<h3>Peppa Pig</h3>
<p>Quote: "Oink oink!"</p>
<p>Episode Name: "Muddy Puddles"</p>
<p>Biography: Peppa is a lovable, cheeky little piggy who lives with her little brother George, Mummy Pig, and Daddy Pig. She loves jumping in muddy puddles and having adventures with her friends.</p>
<p>Trivia: Peppa's favorite toy is her teddy bear, Teddy.</p>
<p>Goofs/Errors: In some episodes, Peppa's dress changes color.</p>
<p>Episode Number: 1</p>
<p>Episode Plot: Peppa and George jump in muddy puddles and have lots of fun.</p>
<p>Episode Summary: Peppa and George go outside to play and jump in muddy puddles.</p>
<button class="quote-button" onclick="getCharacterQuote('Peppa Pig')">Get Quote and Episode Info</button>
<div class="character-card">
<p>Quote: "Dinosaur!"</p>
<p>Episode Name: "George Catches a Cold"</p>
<p>Biography: George is Peppa's little brother. He loves dinosaurs and his favorite toy is Mr. Dinosaur. George is often seen sucking his thumb and is very attached to his toy.</p>
<p>Trivia: George's favorite food is spaghetti.</p>
<p>Goofs/Errors: In some episodes, George's toy Mr. Dinosaur disappears and reappears.</p>
<p>Episode Number: 10</p>
<p>Episode Plot: George catches a cold and sneezes a lot.</p>
<p>Episode Summary: George catches a cold and has to stay in bed.</p>
<button class="quote-button" onclick="getCharacterQuote('George')">Get Quote and Episode Info</button>
<div class="character-card">
<h3>Daddy Pig</h3>
<p>Quote: "I'm an expert at everything!"</p>
<p>Episode Name: "Daddy Pig's Birthday"</p>
<p>Biography: Daddy Pig is Peppa and George's father. He is a bit clumsy but loves his family very much. Daddy Pig enjoys gardening and is always ready to fix things around the house.</p>
<p>Trivia: Daddy Pig's favorite food is chocolate cake.</p>
<p>Goofs/Errors: Daddy Pig's glasses sometimes disappear and reappear in different scenes.</p>
<p>Episode Number: 20</p>
<p>Episode Plot: It's Daddy Pig's birthday and Peppa and George try to make it a special day.</p>
<p>Episode Summary: Peppa and George plan a surprise birthday party for Daddy Pig.</p>
<button class="quote-button" onclick="getCharacterQuote('Daddy Pig')">Get Quote and Episode Info</button>
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function getCharacterQuote(character) {
// Get character quote and episode info
// You can implement this function using JavaScript
// For now, let's just display an alert with the character name
alert("You clicked on " + character);
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