Spidey and his Amazing Friends

Transcript, trivia, goofs, cast, summary, and plot of Spidey and his Amazing Friends episodes


Model: gpt-3.5-turbo-16k-0613
Time: 70 seconds
Prompt Tokens: 914
Completion Tokens: 2297
Total Token Cost: 3211

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<meta name="description" content="Transcript, trivia, goofs, cast, summary, and plot of Spidey and his Amazing Friends episodes">
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// Episode Data
var episodes = {
"1": {
"title": "Rhinoctopus",
"summary": "Spidey, Ghost Spider, and Miles Morales team up to stop the villain Rhinoctopus from terrorizing the city.",
"plot": "In a thrilling episode, Spidey, Ghost Spider, and Miles Morales join forces to battle the monstrous Rhinoctopus. The trio uses their unique powers and teamwork to outsmart the villain and save the city.",
"cast": ["Spidey", "Ghost Spider", "Miles Morales", "Rhinoctopus"],
"trivia": "This is the first episode of Spidey and his Amazing Friends. It introduces the main characters and sets the stage for future adventures.",
"goofs": "In one scene, Spidey's web shooters mysteriously disappear and then reappear in the next shot.",
"longWords": [
"2": {
"title": "Mystery on Goblin Island",
"summary": "Spidey, Ghost Spider, and Miles Morales investigate a mysterious signal coming from Goblin Island.",
"plot": "Spidey, Ghost Spider, and Miles Morales embark on an exciting adventure to uncover the mystery behind a signal originating from Goblin Island. As they explore the island, they encounter various challenges and puzzles that test their skills and teamwork. In the end, they discover the secret behind the signal and foil the plans of the villainous Green Goblin.",
"cast": ["Spidey", "Ghost Spider", "Miles Morales", "Green Goblin"],
"trivia": "This episode features the debut of Trace-E and Twist-E, robotic sidekicks created by Spidey to assist in their crime-fighting endeavors.",
"goofs": "During a fight scene, Ghost Spider's costume changes color momentarily due to an animation error.",
"longWords": [
"3": {
"title": "The Pumpkin Problem",
"summary": "Spidey, Ghost Spider, and Miles Morales must save the city from a pumpkin-themed villain.",
"plot": "Spidey, Ghost Spider, and Miles Morales face their toughest challenge yet as they battle a villain who uses pumpkins as weapons. The trio must work together to protect the city and come up with a plan to defeat the pumpkin-themed foe. With their quick thinking and superhero abilities, they manage to save the day and restore peace to the city.",
"cast": ["Spidey", "Ghost Spider", "Miles Morales", "Pumpkin Villain"],
"trivia": "This episode showcases the teamwork and problem-solving skills of Spidey, Ghost Spider, and Miles Morales as they face a unique and crafty villain.",
"goofs": "In one scene, Spidey's mask briefly disappears and then reappears in the next shot.",
"longWords": [
"4": {
"title": "Pecking Prankster Pigeons",
"summary": "Spidey, Ghost Spider, and Miles Morales deal with mischievous pigeons causing chaos in the city.",
"plot": "Spidey, Ghost Spider, and Miles Morales find themselves in a sticky situation when mischievous pigeons wreak havoc in the city. The trio must use their wits and quick reflexes to outsmart the prankster pigeons and restore order. With their combined powers and clever strategies, they bring peace back to the city.",
"cast": ["Spidey", "Ghost Spider", "Miles Morales", "Mischievous Pigeons"],
"trivia": "This episode features a cameo appearance by Twirl-E, the newest addition to Spidey's team of robotic sidekicks.",
"goofs": "During a chase scene, the color of Spidey's suit changes momentarily due to a coloring error.",
"longWords": [

// Generate Episode Transcript
function generateTranscript(episodeNumber) {
var episode = episodes[episodeNumber];
var transcript = "<h3>Episode: " + episode.title + "</h3>";
transcript += "<h4>Summary:</h4>";
transcript += "<p>" + episode.summary + "</p>";
transcript += "<h4>Plot:</h4>";
transcript += "<p>" + episode.plot + "</p>";
transcript += "<h4>Cast:</h4>";
transcript += "<ul>";
episode.cast.forEach(function(actor) {
transcript += "<li>" + actor + "</li>";
transcript += "</ul>";
transcript += "<h4>Trivia:</h4>";
transcript += "<p>" + episode.trivia + "</p>";
transcript += "<h4>Goofs:</h4>";
transcript += "<p>" + episode.goofs + "</p>";
transcript += "<h4>Long Words:</h4>";
transcript += "<ul>";
episode.longWords.forEach(function(word) {
transcript += "<li>" + word + "</li>";
transcript += "</ul>";
return transcript;

// Display Episode Transcript
function displayTranscript(episodeNumber) {
var transcript = generateTranscript(episodeNumber);

// Load Transcripts
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