Spidey and his Amazing Friends

Transcript, Trivia, Goofs, and Cast of Spidey and his Amazing Friends


Model: gpt-3.5-turbo-16k-0613
Time: 33 seconds
Prompt Tokens: 891
Completion Tokens: 1435
Total Token Cost: 2326

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<h1>Spidey and his Amazing Friends</h1>
<h2>Episode 1: Rhinoctopus</h2>
<p>Peter Parker/Spidey: Hey everyone, ready for some web-slinging action?</p>
<p>Gwen Stacy/Ghost Spider: You bet, Spidey! Let's take down Rhinoctopus!</p>
<p>Miles Morales/Spin: I'm ready to show off my spin powers!</p>
<p>(The trio fights Rhinoctopus and saves the day)</p>

<h2>Episode 2: Mystery on Goblin Island</h2>
<p>Peter Parker/Spidey: Looks like there's a mystery on Goblin Island. Let's investigate!</p>
<p>Gwen Stacy/Ghost Spider: I sense something strange. Be careful, guys.</p>
<p>Miles Morales/Spin: Don't worry, I'll use my web-swinging skills to get us there in no time!</p>
<p>(The trio uncovers the mystery and defeats the Goblin)</p>

<h2>Episode 3: The Pumpkin Problem</h2>
<p>Peter Parker/Spidey: Uh-oh, there's a pumpkin problem in the city. We need to act fast!</p>
<p>Gwen Stacy/Ghost Spider: I'll use my ghost powers to scare away the pumpkins.</p>
<p>Miles Morales/Spin: And I'll use my spin powers to gather them up!</p>
<p>(The trio saves the city from the pumpkin invasion)</p>

<h2>Episode 4: Pecking Prankster Pigeons</h2>
<p>Peter Parker/Spidey: Looks like the pigeons are causing trouble again. Let's stop them!</p>
<p>Gwen Stacy/Ghost Spider: I'll create a web barrier to keep them away.</p>
<p>Miles Morales/Spin: And I'll use my spin powers to confuse them.</p>
<p>(The trio puts an end to the pecking prankster pigeons)</p>

<li>In episode 1, Rhinoctopus is voiced by John DiMaggio.</li>
<li>In episode 2, the Goblin is voiced by Steve Blum.</li>
<li>In episode 3, the pumpkin invasion is caused by Mysterio.</li>
<li>In episode 4, the pecking prankster pigeons are controlled by the Vulture.</li>

<li>In episode 2, there is a continuity error with the Goblin's costume.</li>
<li>In episode 3, the number of pumpkins keeps changing between scenes.</li>
<li>In episode 4, the pigeons change size throughout the episode.</li>

<li>Peter Parker/Spidey - Voiced by Robbie Daymond</li>
<li>Gwen Stacy/Ghost Spider - Voiced by Melanie Minichino</li>
<li>Miles Morales/Spin - Voiced by Benjamin Valic</li>
<li>Rhinoctopus - Voiced by John DiMaggio</li>
<li>Goblin - Voiced by Steve Blum</li>
<li>Mysterio - Voiced by Jake Johnson</li>
<li>Vulture - Voiced by Fred Tatasciore</li>
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