Survival Game Concept

Overview of a comprehensive survival game concept


Created On: August 28, 2023
Created By: @CalculatorTools


Model: chatgpt-plugin
Time: 0 seconds
Prompt Tokens: 0
Completion Tokens: 0
Total Token Cost: 0

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<title>Survival Game Concept</title>
<meta name='description' content='Overview of a comprehensive survival game concept'>
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<h1>Survival Game Concept</h1>
<h2>Core Features</h2>
<li>GPS Footsteps: Enhances immersion & navigation.</li>
<li>Battle Notifications: Facilitates coordination & timely engagement.</li>
<li>Character & Weapon Customization: Allows personal expression & tactical choices.</li>
<li>Companion Animals: Adds tactical depth & personality.</li>
<li>Real-world Resource Gathering: Merges real & virtual worlds for added engagement.</li>
<li>Trading & Currency: Enables specialization & economic interaction.</li>
<li>Real-life Exercise Rewards: Integrates real-world activities for in-game benefits.</li>
<li>Crafting with Real-world Items: Adds unpredictability & resource management.</li>
<li>PvP Combat: Introduces risk & competitive excitement.</li>
<li>Weight Limit: Adds realism & inventory management complexity.</li>
<li>In-game Messaging: Enhances communication & realism.</li>
<li>Weather & Time Integration: Increases immersion by syncing with real-world conditions.</li>
<li>Health & Nutrition Tracking: Encourages healthy lifestyle for in-game benefits.</li>
<li>Physical Challenges: Promotes real-world activity for in-game rewards.</li>
<li>Social Interactions: Rewards social engagement with in-game perks.</li>
<li>Location-based Events: Encourages exploration & adds another layer of immersion.</li>
<li>Inventory Management: Requires strategic planning & prioritization.</li>
<li>Crafting: Adds complexity & resource management.</li>
<li>Character Progression: Allows skill & role specialization.</li>
<li>Dynamic Events: Keeps gameplay fresh & challenging.</li>
<li>Guilds: Fosters community & teamwork.</li>
<li>Marketplace Trading: Facilitates economic interactions.</li>
<li>Nutrition Buffs: Rewards balanced meals with in-game benefits.</li>
<h2>UI Components</h2>
<li>Home Screen: Game overview & logo.</li>
<li>News Feed: Updates & patch notes.</li>
<li>Maps: Detailed map views.</li>
<li>Weapons: Comprehensive weapon stats & customization.</li>
<li>Loadouts: Customizable gear setups.</li>
<li>Player Stats: Progress & achievements.</li>
<li>Marketplace: Trading platform.</li>
<li>Settings: Customizable app behavior.</li>
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What is Calculator Tools?

Calculator Tools allows you to instantly create and generate any simple one page web app for free and immediately have it online to use and share. This means anything! Mini apps, calculators, trackers, tools, games, puzzles, screensavers... anything you can think of that the AI can handle.

The AI uses Javacript, HTML, and CSS programming to code your app up in moments. This currently uses GPT-4 the latest and most powerful version of the OpenAI GPT language model.

What Do You Mean Make An App?

Have you ever just wanted a simple app but didn't want to learn programming or pay someone to make it for you? Calculator Tools is the solution! Just type in your prompt and the AI will generate a simple app for you in seconds. You can then customize it to your liking and share it with your friends.

AI has become so powerful it is that simple these days.

Does This Use ChatGPT?

It uses GPT-4 which is the most powerful model for ChatGPT.

Calculator Tools does not remember things from prompt to prompt, each image is a unique image that does not reference any of the images or prompts previously supplied.