WA Comprehensive Tax Calculator
Created On: August 28, 2023
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<title>WA Comprehensive Tax Calculator</title>
<meta name='description' content='A comprehensive calculator to estimate federal income, self-employment, B&O, and capital gains taxes for Washington residents.'>
<meta name='keywords' content='Washington, Self-Employment, Income Tax, B&O Tax, Capital Gains, Calculator'>
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<h1>WA Comprehensive Tax Calculator</h1>
<p>Enter your net earnings from self-employment:</p>
<input type='number' id='netEarnings' placeholder='Net Earnings' min='0'>
<p>Enter your capital gains:</p>
<input type='number' id='capitalGains' placeholder='Capital Gains' min='0'>
<button onclick='calculateTax()'>Calculate</button>
<div id='result'></div>
function calculateTax() {
const netEarnings = parseFloat(document.getElementById('netEarnings').value);
const capitalGains = parseFloat(document.getElementById('capitalGains').value);
if (isNaN(netEarnings) || isNaN(capitalGains)) {
document.getElementById('result').innerText = 'Please enter valid numbers.';
const socialSecurityRate = 0.124;
const medicareRate = 0.029;
const totalRate = socialSecurityRate + medicareRate;
let selfEmploymentTax = netEarnings * totalRate;
// Federal income tax (simplified, assuming 22% rate)
let federalIncomeTax = netEarnings * 0.22;
// Washington B&O Tax (assuming 1.5% rate)
let boTax = netEarnings * 0.015;
// Washington Capital Gains Tax (7%)
let capitalGainsTax = capitalGains * 0.07;
document.getElementById('result').innerText = `Estimated Self-Employment Tax: $${selfEmploymentTax.toFixed(2)}\nEstimated Federal Income Tax: $${federalIncomeTax.toFixed(2)}\nEstimated WA B&O Tax: $${boTax.toFixed(2)}\nEstimated WA Capital Gains Tax: $${capitalGainsTax.toFixed(2)}`;
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