Commercial Loan Calculator with Amortization
Created On: August 29, 2023
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<title>Commercial Loan Calculator with Amortization</title>
<meta name='description' content='A comprehensive calculator for commercial real estate and investment loans with amortization schedule.'>
<meta name='keywords' content='Commercial Loan, Calculator, Real Estate, Investment Loans, Amortization'>
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.container {
max-width: 800px;
margin: auto;
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.result {
margin-top: 20px;
table {
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<div class='container'>
<h1>Commercial Loan Calculator with Amortization</h1>
<p>Fill out the form below to request funding for your commercial real estate or investment project.</p>
<div class='input-group'>
<label for='loanAmount'>Loan Amount:</label>
<input type='number' id='loanAmount' placeholder='Enter loan amount' oninput='calculateLoan()'>
<div class='input-group'>
<label for='interestRate'>Interest Rate (%):</label>
<input type='number' id='interestRate' placeholder='Enter interest rate' oninput='calculateLoan()'>
<div class='input-group'>
<label for='loanType'>Loan Type:</label>
<select id='loanType' onchange='calculateLoan()'>
<option value='3/1'>3/1 (30-year amortization)</option>
<option value='5/1'>5/1 (30-year amortization)</option>
<option value='10/1'>10/1 (30-year amortization)</option>
<option value='30/30'>30 year/30-year amortization</option>
<div class='result' id='result'></div>
function calculateLoan() {
const loanAmount = parseFloat(document.getElementById('loanAmount').value);
const interestRate = parseFloat(document.getElementById('interestRate').value) / 100;
const loanType = document.getElementById('loanType').value;
const monthlyInterestRate = interestRate / 12;
const numberOfPayments = 30 * 12; // 30-year amortization
const monthlyPayment = (loanAmount * monthlyInterestRate) / (1 - Math.pow(1 + monthlyInterestRate, -numberOfPayments));
const totalPayment = monthlyPayment * numberOfPayments;
let amortizationSchedule = '<table><tr><th>Month</th><th>Payment</th></tr>';
for (let i = 1; i <= numberOfPayments; i++) {
amortizationSchedule += `<tr><td>${i}</td><td>$${monthlyPayment.toFixed(2)}</td></tr>`;
amortizationSchedule += '</table>';
document.getElementById('result').innerHTML = `Loan Type: ${loanType}<br>Monthly Payment: $${monthlyPayment.toFixed(2)}<br>Total Payment: $${totalPayment.toFixed(2)}<br>Amortization Schedule:<br>${amortizationSchedule}`;
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