
  • ChatGPT Plugin
  • Shareable Apps
  • Unlimited App Usage
  • 25 Apps ⭐
  • Custom Icons ⭐
  • GPT-4 Access ⭐
  • GPT-4 Remixing ⭐
$5.99 / mo.

Enterprise & Group

Are you a big deal? We thought so. Come take a look at our enterprise pricing and group plans for teams of 10 or more. Contact us about your use case and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.

For our enterprise clients and group clients we currently offer monthly billing, usage based plans, discounted rates, private apps, custom app templates, and early access to our API for programmatic app creation and editing.

Education Discounts & Sponsors

Are you a teacher, professor, or administrator? You're a VIP around here! We're able to offer discounted pricing and free memberships for qualified teachers & educators using Calculator Tools in the classroom, school, computer lab, science lab, or administrative offices. Contact us using your school email address and provide a clear description of your educational use case for more information.

Not all heroes wear capes but they all sponsor educational programs. Get in touch with us about any specific teacher accounts or structured donations and we can help you help teachers get the tools they want. Please note: if you are sponsoring single teacher accounts you will need to provide their email address at their school.